If C3 Gardens is hired to maintain one of our installations on your property weekly, we will Guarantee any seasonal plantings for the length of the season. If any plants look anything but perfect, they will be replaced free of charge.

We understand that every home or business owner is different, and every location has its own unique characteristics. When designing our gardens, both in container collections and in the ground, we make every effort to ensure that your space reflects exactly the style and mood you wish to purvey. Using only the highest quality materials, innovative new plants as well as tried and true classics, and an award-winning eye for design, we will create the look you've always wanted.

Our team of dedicated plantsmen are trained in the "art of gardening." We start with custom blended soils and slow release fertilizers, creating the perfect home for your new plants. Then, we install mature, vigorous plants bred with the strength to look stunning in a multitude of conditions. Our plantsmen are trained by the growers to ensure that the plants we put in your containers and garden beds continue to look just as stunning as they were intended to.

C3 Gardens offers several maintenance programs to fit your needs. Once your containers and gardens are installed, our "garden gurus" monitor them on a regular basis. We use custom blended water soluble fertilizers, specifically made for the city water in the Naples/Marco Island area to ensure the biggest blooms on the most beautiful flowers.